Window condensation is not only irritating but can also be damaging for your home. This is particularly true if older windows are installed in your home. Water present in the condensation can damage the plaster, rot the wood moulding and do a lot more damage to your house. According to a professional glazier, window condensation can be broadly divided into three groups.
- Interior condensation, which is caused by the presence of high percentage of moisture indoors.
- Exterior condensation is nothing but dew and it occurs when your window frame is cooler than the dew point.
- Condensation between window panes shows up when the seal in-between the panes is broken. Although the problem can also appear if the window’s desiccant becomes saturated.
In the following paragraphs, let’s discuss some tried and tested solutions to overcome the problem of Interior condensation.
Taking care of indoor condensation:
The majority of people prefer not to deal with the science of condensation; rather, they want to get rid of the problem as fast as possible. Here’re certain tips that will help you resolve the problem.
- Adjust the humidifier: If you use a humidifier at home, then you will often notice condensation in the kitchen, bathroom and nursery. It is a good idea to turn it low, so that your humidifier releases less moisture which will reduce the condensation inside your home.
- Install a moisture eliminator: There’s another version of the problem of condensation on windows. You will experience an excess concentration of moisture at certain areas in your home. Get a moisture eliminator to solve the problem. These items usually come with buckets or bags that can either be set on the floor or hung in the closet respectively. You can use them in bathrooms, closets or kitchen and the problem will be solved.
- Exhaust fans in the kitchens and bathrooms: Switch on the exhaust fan every time you use the kitchen or the bathroom. Whenever you take a shower or whip up a dish in the kitchen, the activity releases a lot of moisture. The exhaust fans drive this moisture out of your home. Else, this moisture can hardly find an escape route from your indoors. For best results to stop condensation on windows, leave the exhaust fans on for about 20-25 minutes after you cook or shower.
- Facilitate air circulation inside your home: Circulating the air at the indoors of your home helps reducing condensation build-up on the windows. The best way to do it during the winter is to just leave the ceiling fans switched on every day for at least 15 minutes. It will push the warm air nearer the ceiling down to the floor, while the cold air from the floor surface to go up near the ceiling.
- Leave the windows open: If it’s not too cold, leave your windows open for some time. If you keep the windows open during daytime, fresh air and natural light will come in. Most importantly, it will release the warm and moist air trapped inside your home, making your indoors smelling fresh.
Follow these tried and tested tips. In extreme cases, you can visit to book a professional glazier for replacing your condensed window glasses.
9 August-2018